Subscribe to the MVZ listserv to receive the MVZ Newsletter, updates on museum happenings, job opportunities, seminars, parties, etc. Contact Front Office Manager Carlie Magill (carliemagill[at] to join. Also, the museum is always in need of helping hands for events like Cal Day and the Annual Holiday Potluck!
Herp Group – Seminar on Biology of Amphibians and Reptiles / IB 234
Features travelogues and research talks by MVZ and invited herpetologists. UC Berkeley students can obtain 1 unit of credit for this seminar. Ask Jim McGuire, IB Faculty/MVZ Faculty Curator (mcguirej[at] for details and to get on the mailing list.
MVZ Coffee
Wednesdays from 10:00 AM – 10:45 AM in the Grinnell-Miller Library (GML). MVZ Coffee is a great way to meet MVZ professors, staff, and students in a relaxed environment with tasty treats and coffee. You can also volunteer to bring treats by signing up on the sheet in the front office.
MVZ Lunch Seminar – Topics in Evolutionary Biology / IB 264
Features both MVZ researchers and visiting scholars presenting their research. Topics vary and include natural history, behavior, systematics, and evolutionary biology. UC Berkeley students can obtain 1 unit of credit for this seminar, however all are welcome to attend. Watch previous seminars on YouTube!