Key Access
New Key Access
- Review these documents:
- If you are working in an MVZ lab (Prep Lab, LN2 lab, Herp Lab, EGL) you must complete lab safety training before being granted access to those areas. Contact the appropriate Lab Manager (see Staff Contacts) to be certified to use the lab areas:
- Prep Lab – 1st Floor: Terri Barclay
- LN2 Lab – 1st Floor: Chris Conroy
- Herp Lab – 3rd Floor: Carol Spencer
- Evolutionary Genetic Lab (EGL) – 4th Floor: Lydia Smith
- Fill out the following forms.
- VLSB Access Request (Google Form)
- This form is required for card key access to the building.
- Complete the relevant parts of the form, and be sure to complete all required trainings.
- You will receive a copy of your submitted request form. Forward that to your supervisor/advisor who will then send an email to the VLSB building manager with approval of the request. This email MUST BE SUBMITTED in order to process the request for VLSB access.
- MVZ Key Card Application and Agreement Form (PDF)
- This form is required for card key access to MVZ facilities.
- For undergraduates, it is the supervisor’s responsibility to determine areas of access and the card expiration date.
- The MVZ Safety Officer must sign this form.
- VLSB Key Application & Agreement Form (PDF)
- This form is used only for metal key access (ignore the card key part of the form). Metal keys are issued only to faculty, staff, postdocs, and graduate students who have an office inside the MVZ.
- Complete only the personal information fields in the top most section of the form.
- Have your PI/Supervisor sign the “Authorized Signature” field to the right of the “MK” key type.
- Leave the “Key Identification” table blank.
- Sign and date the form at the bottom, then give it to the Front Officer Manager (= “Department Manager”) for signature.
- Metal keys require a check deposit of $25 payable to UC Regents.
- VLSB Access Request (Google Form)
- Card key activation may take up to three days, but is usually granted within 24 hours.
- The VLSB form for metal key access should be taken directly to the Building Manager by the applicant, along with a check payable to UC Regents for $25. The metal key will given to the applicant at that time. Brass keys will not be issued without prior approval for card key access and completion of requisite trainings.
Renewing/Extending Card Key Access
If your card key stops working because of expired access, contact your supervisor. If you need access to additional MVZ spaces, contact the lab manager for the space you need to access (e..g, Prep Lab). Provide the ID number and serial number printed on your Cal 1 ID Card (front and back of card, respectively).The supervisor is responsible for determining the new expiration date. The supervisor (if career staff) or lab manager should contact the VLSB Building Manager for extended/renewed access. Other supervisors (e.g., graduate students, postdocs) should contact the MVZ Front Office Manager. The following information is required for renewed/extended access:
- The ID number on the front of the Cal 1 ID Card
- The serial number on the back of the Cal 1 ID Card (bottom right corner)
- The new card key access expiration date and/or the new MVZ space
Card key activation can take up to three days, but is usually completed within 24 hours.
Lost Card Key
- Deactivate it immediately! Log into your Cal 1 ID Card account to report and deactivate the lost card, and follow the procedure to pay for and pick up your replacement Cal 1 ID Card. See FAQs for Employees or FAQs for Students for more information.
- Contact the Front Office Manager or MVZ Safety Officer to inform them of the loss. Provide the ID number (front) and serial number (back) of your new Cal 1 ID Card. One of them will contact the VLSB Building Manager to transfer your current access to the new card.